Help GICC's Beautiful Community to Have their
Own Home In Metro Vancouver, Surrey!
Urgent Appeal by Sh. Hacene Chebbani
See Our Newly Acquired Facility
Help Keep The Guildford Islamic Cultural Centre

The New Property

It is a commercial building in the vibrant area of Guildford in Surrey. It is a two-floor building. We are acquiring the second floor and half of the first floor. The address of the building is 14888 104 Ave, Surrey, BC, Canada.
With the new building, we can have a bigger Masjid, Space for Madrasah and potentially full-time schooling, Space for Sports and Activities, Youth Center, and Food Bank. We can do proper seminars that serve our community from kids all the way to seniors. We have already done this in our current warehouse facility, but this new space will give us the infrastructure we need to have GICC 2.0!
We are excited to acquire this building as this is going to generate income where all units are leased. Also, the location is prime and close to our currently-rented centre. Last but not least, the size and space will be enough for us to utilize it for various usages. For example, we intend to have a dedicated space for our children to learn Islamic studies and Quran, as well as programming, robotics, and other areas of interest. Our plans is to make this a hub for all our community members from kids all the way to our seniors.
We Need Your Help Urgently!
Alhmadulillah, we have raised over $1,500,000 so far. We need another $3,000,000 for the next payment installation. We are very close!
We are lucky to have a payment schedule that will help us stay away from incurring Riba, aka interest. The next step is securing $3M by April 2025 for the second phase of the payment. After that we have $1M in April 2026 and the last $3M in April 2028.
Chip in with whatever you can. This will be a Saqada Jariyah (ongoing charity) for you insha’Allah. We have a short time to collect the funds so that we don’t lose this property that will help keep our community strong and grow it in the many years to come.
We can’t do this alone, we need your help.
جزاكم الله خيراً

There isn't enough space for our growing Muslim community!

Every year, more people move to Surrey and some of them convert to Islam.
Unfortunately, many Muslims in the area don’t have a place to pray. Additionally, there is no institution for children to learn about their religion and build a strong foundation.
This has resulted in a lack of community gathering places. Fortunately, after a long search, we think we have found the perfect location. Alhamdulillah our offer got accepted and now we are doing the due-deligence before giving the deposit.
Muslims Praying in the Street

Our long term plan is to acquire a land preferably in the vicinity of Guildford to build a Masjid and a Community Centre where our community can grow and feel safe. A place where our children build a strong Canadian Muslim identity for generations to come.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Whoever builds a mosque, desiring thereby Allah’s pleasure, Allah builds for him the like of it in paradise.” [Bukhari]
Our team consists of 3 realtors, professional engineers, community leaders, a developer and more. They have been working hard looking at different options in the Guildford area in Surrey. The Guildford area in Surrey proved to be a challenging area to find a proper big land in for a reasonable price. Make Du’a to Allah (SWT) to help us.
The Prophet ﷺsaid: “Whoever builds a Mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a similar house in JANNAH" - Sahih Muslim
What Your Sadaqah Will Build إن شاء الله:

Islamic & Da'wah Center
✅ This is a centre in the heart of the Guildford area in Surrey. This centre is going to serve as a community centre and an Islamic centre is set to become one of Surrey’s largest, capable of accommodating up to 1000 worshippers simultaneously. It will offer daily Quranic classes, as well as separate Halaqas (study circles) for men, women, and children. Moreover, the mosque will provide Da’wah training programs for those interested in learning and teaching Islamic teachings, as well as comprehensive funeral services, insha’Allah.

Islamic School
✅ GICC already has an Islamic School, Ibn Mas’ood Madrasah, that runs 7 days a week. We have over 160 boys and girls enrolled, Alhamdulillah. We have more than 9 teachers teaching Arabic, Islamic Studies, Quran, Adab, and more.
The new centre will allow us to take the quality of our programs to the next level. We are certain that our Madrasah program that has been running for over 4 years now will give us the solid foundation for something bigger insha’Allah.

Community Center
✅ Our center provides social, physical, and religious services to Muslims of all ages. It will serve as a venue for our Eid celebrations, potlucks, and other events. We already have programs for our seniors and youth.
The new centre will allow us to attract more muslims in the Metro Vancouver region. It will also allow us to have more and continuous events in the future.

Your Donation Gives You The Rewards of:

A Grand Masjid

Da'wah Center

Islamic School

Full Community Center

Quran Hifz Programs

Marriage Counselling

A Banquet Hall

Help your community, the ummah - and leave a legacy. Building a Masjid – One Of The Most Beloved Righteous Deeds in Islam.
Guildford Islamic Cultural Center is a registered charity organization (Charity #846918571 RR 0001). This society is one of the largest Muslim societies in Surrey.
The aim of this multicultural group is to have a place for the entire Muslim community to pray, gather, and have a safe place to learn religion and be indulged in healthy sports activities too.
We all believe in the Quran and Sunnah.
We all come under the umbrella of the One and Only God — Allah.
We are looking at multiple properties – Our offer got accepted on a property that is on 104 Ave Surrey. Project team is doing due-diligence and trying to raise funds to pay for it.
Our community is probably the biggest in British Columbia. We run 3 Jumu’ah prayers. We had to run 6 Eid Salah last year. YES, 6 Eid Salah! We have tents in the parking lot to accommodate Mussalleen in Ramadan.
Building a big masjid is a main goal, but we are dreaming about an Islamic Center for the future Muslim generations. We need to have a place where we connect together and where our children feels safe and connected to one another. We need an Islamic environment to raise the best Muslims, insha’Allah.
Our community has grown exponentially in the last 10 years. This is due to many factors such as internal immigration within our province as well as from other provinces. Surrey attracts people to live in it as there is a big base for Muslims and the relatively lower cost of living compared to the neighbouring cities Vancouver and Burnaby for example. Also, in the last 10-15 years, a lot of Muslim refugees made Surrey their home. Brothers and sisters from Iraq and Afghanistan early on then Syria in 2016 onwards.
Your donation is tax deductible. Guildford Islamic Cultural Center’s Charity number is #846918571 RR 0001
Our contact details can be found at the bottom of this page.
1) Many people in Canada don’t know about Islam – Your donation can change that.
2) There are a lot of Musallah’s in the Greater Vancouver area but no dedicated Masjid in Guildford to provide community services
3) Guildford Islamic Cultural Center is a registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and your donation is tax-deductible
Guildford Islamic and Cultural Centre (GICC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the Muslim community in Surrey and the surrounding areas. Our mission is to provide a spiritual and cultural home for Muslims of all backgrounds, and to promote understanding and respect between different communities. GICC is run by a team of dedicated volunteers who are committed to the values of service, excellence, and integrity. We believe in transparency and accountability, and strive to maintain the highest standards of governance and financial management. We have been serving the Muslim community for over 15 years. We started in a small rented room. This room was 1,000 sf. Now we have over 4,000 sf that is not enough for our community.